Powder Blue Productions

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why Do You Workout???

To wrap up the blog project with my final post i would like to extend a few words of motivation to everyone. On my journey to a healthier lifestyle, I've come up with a few pointers. Remember healthy living is ever-changing. if you don't use it you lose it so don't build yourself up to the level you want to be and then stop. Do research, there is constant research and studies going on about exercise and health, read about it!! It not only helps your lifestyle and choices but it also helps keep your brain working and learning. Try something new! Don't stay in the same old routine months and months at a time, eventually it will stop working... that's just the way it is. So sign up for a class, try a new machine, get a personal training session, find a friend to workout with, sign up for a race or competition. And on that note, when you finally do try something new have an open mind about it, you are there to better yourself and make yourself more well rounded so having a bad attitude about it and giving up won't help you strive farther.

Think about it for a minute.... why do you workout? I do it because i LOVE it. I love meeting the people that come to my classes and helping them feel good and reach their goals. I love the way i feel when I'm done with a workout. I love how much my eating habits and activity levels have changed over the last year. And I love being able to connect with those who are just starting out on their journey of fitness. To be able to tell a member that I was once 50 lbs heavier and that i turned my life around and made the changes to make myself happier and more fit and healthy is a wonderful thing. Don't make working out just because you have to for sports, or you don't want to get fat, or because your doctor told you to. Find something that you enjoy, something that makes it worth it to you. The great part is that gyms today offer a lot of different types of exercise, group classes, free weights, machines, personal trainers. And don't ever be afraid to try a bunch of different trainers or instructors till you find someone who works for you. It's your workout, your life and you only get what you ask for.

Good luck everyone! and HAPPY WORKOUTS!!!

Why do you workout??


  1. I can't not workout. Not just workout but be physically active. I enjoy sweating, working hard, and knowing at the end of the day that I challenged myself for the better. I also agree. Switching it up and trying new stuff keeps you engaged. Keep at it!!

  2. Really, the only motivation I feel that people should need is this. Try working out for two weeks and tell me how you feel. After that they should all be hooked.


Les Mills