Powder Blue Productions

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Bodypump is another class that I teach. It was my first certification so I am particularly fond of it. Like all group exercise classes I find that it honestly depends on your instructor, each instructor has a different style and it takes a few times to find someone who makes the workout what you want it to be.

Bodypump is a weight training barbell class, a total body workout in an hour. My job is to coach you through the movements using proper form and technique. My style is a bit more goofy and fun, I will say anything to make someone laugh because I've found that its easier to get through a difficult workout when you're having fun. Other instructors are a bit more stern taking the drill sergeant approach, which works for some people and is why i tell people to try different instructors until they find someone they click with.

Honestly, the first time I ever took Bodypump as a participant I wasn't all that into it because I didn't like the instructor, she didn't show me how to set up, didn't explain how to do any of the moves, and didn't coach when to add and take off weight for each track. Bodypump is split up into 10 tracks. Warmup, squats, chest, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders and arms, abs, and the cool down.

When I teach I always ask if we have any new bodypumpers, if there is even one new person i take the time to walk them through the setup, unless of course someone has taken it upon themselves to show them (most of my regulars are very good about doing that), but i always try to give them an idea of what the class is about and put them at ease. As an instructor I want you to get a great workout, but I also want you to come back.

Les Mills releases a new Bodypump every 3 months, new music, new choreography, new moves. So if anyone is interested check out your gym. I regularly burn anywhere between 450-600 calories in the hour workout depending upon the weights I use. It's great for strength training, building bone density, and manageing weight. It also gives you a bit of cardio because its based more on muscle endurance rather than muscle strength. I teach four times a week at different locations and would LOVE to see some come and try it.


  1. At the gym I go too, I see this body pump in action all the time. It looks like a real kicker but for someone who hates cardio there's no way in hell you would see me in there. Good luck though!

  2. This stuff looks great. Keep up the good work! Nice post.


Les Mills