Powder Blue Productions

Friday, February 20, 2009

How we Percieve Our Health



Fitness and health are not just a practice, a lifestyle, it's also how we perceive ourselves. For instance, looking at my food tracker on Mypyramid.gov, when i did the assignment i picked the day that i had not followed my normal eating habits. To be truthful i felt as if my diet that day was absolute garbage and I was embarrassed to even enter in some of the foods I had consumed that day.
After filling out everything and looking at the results i expected to see a bad score, and yet I was completely surprised to see that I had actually done really well as far as nutrient levels and calorie intake. I am not and never will be a calorie counter, it's too much time and stress added to my already busy and stressful life. I only ever measured out portions when i was first starting to learn what a portion really looks like.
This is when i realized that most of us who are trying to eat healthy and watch what we put in our bodies probably spend a lot of time feeling guilty or beating ourselves up over some food choices that we make. I've also realized that for those who do beat ourselves up, as long as you don't notice a drastic change in your eating habits or energy levels you're probably not doing as badly as you think you are. That's why sometimes it's helpful to keep track of your food for a couple days, or just not worry yourself about it so much. chances are if you're more often then not careful about what you eat the slip up every now and then won't spiral you into unhealthy eating habits.

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