Powder Blue Productions

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Workout Girl's Story

As many of you can tell I am a fitness freak, I teach Bodypump 3 times a week and I teach Turbokick twice a week and I absolutely LOVE every second of it. If anyone gets to know me they will notice that I am a strong believer that exercise and nutrition go hand in hand, and shame on anyone for thinking otherwise.
I started my journey a year ago, I weighed almost 200 lbs, I ate horrible amounts of nasty, greasy foods, I was overweight, unhealthy, and extremely unhappy with my body. The beginning of my journey started with my ordering Tony Horton's P90X from www.beachbody.com.
So on December 27th I started the program. It was hard, I was lifting weights two times a week, cardio three times a week, and yoga once a week and the nutrition guide was a challenge for me to follow. Tony had me doing pushups and pullups, crazy cardio moves to strengthen your core like the superman banana. But from the very first week i started losing, I felt stronger, healthier, more powerful, I became this crazy workout beast constantly craving more. After the first 90 days i had lost 20 lbs, i gave myself a weeks recovery and started the program again, the second round losing 10 lbs.
I was completely hooked, my entire outlook on life and what I am capable of had shifted. I joined Gold's Gym and started going to the group exercise classes, as many different kinds as i could make it to. I decided that i had found my passion and what i wanted to do for the rest of my life. My goal is to help people reach their goals, change their lives, and help them find their true strength. When I started this journey I had just about lost hope of becoming thin and healthy, i thought that it just wasn't in my genes to be the way I wanted to be since obesity runs in my family. I will tell anyone that will listen to me that fitness is a lifestyle change, and anyone can become healthier, stronger, and more confident you just have to make the changes.


  1. That is a very interesting story and you should be proud of yourself for your accomplishments. Your lifestyle change must have been very difficult and hard to stick to. The goals and apspirations that you have as a health fitness professional are great and I hope that someday you can take your positive attiude and outlook and help change someone elses life.

  2. This story motivates me and other girls to do workout. It’s very interesting!! I hope have the same effort like you.

  3. That is absolutely amazing! Congratulations for working so hard to do what you loved. Your dedication is obvious when reading your story, and you should definitely be proud of what you have accomplished!


Les Mills