Powder Blue Productions

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Bodypump is another class that I teach. It was my first certification so I am particularly fond of it. Like all group exercise classes I find that it honestly depends on your instructor, each instructor has a different style and it takes a few times to find someone who makes the workout what you want it to be.

Bodypump is a weight training barbell class, a total body workout in an hour. My job is to coach you through the movements using proper form and technique. My style is a bit more goofy and fun, I will say anything to make someone laugh because I've found that its easier to get through a difficult workout when you're having fun. Other instructors are a bit more stern taking the drill sergeant approach, which works for some people and is why i tell people to try different instructors until they find someone they click with.

Honestly, the first time I ever took Bodypump as a participant I wasn't all that into it because I didn't like the instructor, she didn't show me how to set up, didn't explain how to do any of the moves, and didn't coach when to add and take off weight for each track. Bodypump is split up into 10 tracks. Warmup, squats, chest, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders and arms, abs, and the cool down.

When I teach I always ask if we have any new bodypumpers, if there is even one new person i take the time to walk them through the setup, unless of course someone has taken it upon themselves to show them (most of my regulars are very good about doing that), but i always try to give them an idea of what the class is about and put them at ease. As an instructor I want you to get a great workout, but I also want you to come back.

Les Mills releases a new Bodypump every 3 months, new music, new choreography, new moves. So if anyone is interested check out your gym. I regularly burn anywhere between 450-600 calories in the hour workout depending upon the weights I use. It's great for strength training, building bone density, and manageing weight. It also gives you a bit of cardio because its based more on muscle endurance rather than muscle strength. I teach four times a week at different locations and would LOVE to see some come and try it.




Since I got some feedback on people liking my explaining of the group exercise class zumba, I thought I would also show you Turbokick. This class is by far my favorite class to teach, it's a kickboxing class mixed with a little bit of hip hop and some attitude, and tai chi types of cool downs. There are moves that are taken from different types of martial arts along with the traditional kickboxing moves. If anyone has seen the infomercials for Turbojams on Tv Turbokick is what it is, TK is just the group exercise version. I personally have Turbojams at home and still practice it regularly but when it is done in a group it just takes it to the next level. Turbokick was developed by Chalene Johnson, she actually teaches Turbokick in her gym in california and I would absolutely LOVE to have the chance to go and take it with her.

The idea behind turbokick is for each class to feel like a dance party, it's supposed to be fun and energetic. I always tell my members that the first couple times you may not follow the moves at all, but it's ok. The great thing is that even if you don't get the moves right away, as long as you continue to move and jump around you will burn a TON of calories.

I always wear my heart rate monitor while teaching this class because I like to see how my heart rate fluxuates and also keep an eye on the amount of calories I burn during my activity. With Turbokick I usually average a total of 650-700 calories in the one hour class!!! Granted it may not be completely accurate but it's a good indication of the level that you're at.

Turbokick, like all group exercise classes is built around every level of fitness. In this particular program the instructor uses what we call layers, there is the basic moves and then special extra things can be added once the basics are learned. The extra things are always optional, such as adding turns on your jumps and such and there are always low impact options for those who have knee or any other sort of injuries. The low impact options are also great for if your heart rate is through the roof.

So, if this sounds like something you'd like to try look for it at your gym or even mention it to the group exercise director if it's not offered. I personally teach it wednesdays at 4:30 in Enfield, Connecticut so if anyone would like to hit me up let me know!! This class is a blast to take and teach!

Saturday, March 21, 2009



welcome to the world of Zumba. This group exercise class has become more and more popular in health clubs all around the world. The general idea of the class is for the participant to feel as if they have traveled the world in the 50 minute class period. Zumba combines popular dance moves from around the world like salsa, hip hop, bellydancing, and many others. The music is fun, upbeat, and energetic making it a great cardio workout.

So, I have decided to jump on the bandwagon and become certified in Zumba. I am excited to report that i have registered for training and certification on May 30th and I am eagerly awaiting training day. The best part of teaching group exercise, besides helping people reach their goals and showing them a good time is the training day(s). There is nothing more fun to me then the idea of 9 hours of training!! ( No, I'm not being sarcastic). To me this is the best time, during training you learn the internal workings of successful workout plans and how to break them down and teach them. You learn the choreography, the music, and the cues and names of the moves. I get to be as enthusiastic and excited as I always am when teaching but, I find it even more fun to do it with people who are as into it as I am.

Zumba is offered at all the Gold's gyms that I work at, and it is popping up at more and more clubs around the world. So, if Zumba sounds like something you'd like to try check out your gym. AND even better Zumba is now being offered at our very own wellness center so try it out.

Like i tell everyone who is new to a group exercise class, don't get frusturated and give up. Your body is learning, building muscle memory, so give it some slack. The best part about group exercise classes is that it's geared towards all levels of fitness and even if you don't get the moves, as long as you keep moving and have fun then you'll burn a TON of calories.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Can't

As a fitness enthusiast I am constantly challenging myself. I am not normally a competitive person when it comes to games or anything else, but if you give me a challenge like push ups and have someone do it with me I will push myself harder then I thought I could go. Because of my love for fitness and my constant research on new and different techniques a lot of my friends will ask me for tips. I have a few that actually want to workout with me to see what i do on a regular basis. Motivation and encouragement are very important when it comes to getting someone to go outside their comfort zone, the other aspect is challenging ones self.
My biggest pet peeve would have to be the words "I can't". Too many times I have talked to people at the gym who complain of lack of results. When I hear this I immediately inquire about their diet and exercise habits. I have members that will come to bodypump three times a week faithfully who are upset because they have stopped seeing results, but when I ask them when the last time they upped their weights I get the reply " Oh, I can't lift that weight". YES you can. I'm not talking about someone with an injury, that should have modifications and should be enforced. I'm talking about someone who just has it in their head that they simply cannot move any more weight than what they use. Usually the person has not changed their weight since they began taking my class which would have been several months prior.
When I have a friend tell me they can't do something I immediately make them do it just to show them that they can do anything if they put their minds to it. I never in my life thought that I would be able to do pushups or pullups, let alone lift 60 plus lbs. with little effort. But it's because I was shown that not only could I accomplish it, but I could push past my initial goal and strive for bigger things.
So, for all you out there who are feeling nervous about trying something you don't think you can do, whether it be upping your weight for squats or trying a new exercise class, don't stop yourself, you can do it!!! ( a side note: if you are upping your weight please make sure you have proper form, and if you are nervous or have any questions do not hesitate to get a professional to help you with your form and the proper increase in weight. I don't want anyone hurting themselves because of my motivational tips!! :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Safe Weight Loss


After reading this article it made me think about my own weight loss. I started thinking about all the promises and guarantees that weight loss products offer to their consumers.
When i began losing weight the first week i lost about 5 lbs and then proceeded to lose about 2 lbs a week. 1-2 lbs a week is a healthy weight loss, usually the first week you'll see the most amount of change because the program is new and you've shocked your body. I've lost a total of about 50 lbs since December 27 2007 and I've managed to keep it off.
When you look at all the fad diets and the workout regimens that advertise rapid weight loss it makes me cringe. Especially the diet pills, with health and fitness there is no wonder drug, nothing is a quick fix, it's all about pacing yourself and taking each step. So when i see products advertising something along the lines of "you'll drop 10 lbs and 3 pant sizes in the first week guaranteed" it makes me worry. Yes, you may be able to drop that much weight by using the product, but, one should really consider all the consequences. For example, will the weight stay off? Do i really even need to lose that much weight? And most importantly will this allow me to lose the weight in a healthy way? Most likely not. One has to keep in mind that when starting a diet or an exercise program or even a lifestyle change they're shocking their body, in order to stay healthy and fit one needs to take care of their body. Results should be measured rather than weighed. Honestly when i started my journey my waist was 42 inches around and now I measure 30.5 inches around. As long as you see some sort of results don't worry about the number on the scale. Especially if you are incorporating weight training into your routine, which i believe everyone should do, because muscle weighs more than fat. My best result was the feeling of strength and energy that came with losing the weight.
So, for anyone who is contemplating using a product that has fantastical unrealistic results Think twice. You can lose weight naturally and in a healthy way. Take care of your body and it will take care of you.

Les Mills