Powder Blue Productions

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Can't

As a fitness enthusiast I am constantly challenging myself. I am not normally a competitive person when it comes to games or anything else, but if you give me a challenge like push ups and have someone do it with me I will push myself harder then I thought I could go. Because of my love for fitness and my constant research on new and different techniques a lot of my friends will ask me for tips. I have a few that actually want to workout with me to see what i do on a regular basis. Motivation and encouragement are very important when it comes to getting someone to go outside their comfort zone, the other aspect is challenging ones self.
My biggest pet peeve would have to be the words "I can't". Too many times I have talked to people at the gym who complain of lack of results. When I hear this I immediately inquire about their diet and exercise habits. I have members that will come to bodypump three times a week faithfully who are upset because they have stopped seeing results, but when I ask them when the last time they upped their weights I get the reply " Oh, I can't lift that weight". YES you can. I'm not talking about someone with an injury, that should have modifications and should be enforced. I'm talking about someone who just has it in their head that they simply cannot move any more weight than what they use. Usually the person has not changed their weight since they began taking my class which would have been several months prior.
When I have a friend tell me they can't do something I immediately make them do it just to show them that they can do anything if they put their minds to it. I never in my life thought that I would be able to do pushups or pullups, let alone lift 60 plus lbs. with little effort. But it's because I was shown that not only could I accomplish it, but I could push past my initial goal and strive for bigger things.
So, for all you out there who are feeling nervous about trying something you don't think you can do, whether it be upping your weight for squats or trying a new exercise class, don't stop yourself, you can do it!!! ( a side note: if you are upping your weight please make sure you have proper form, and if you are nervous or have any questions do not hesitate to get a professional to help you with your form and the proper increase in weight. I don't want anyone hurting themselves because of my motivational tips!! :)

1 comment:

  1. You have made a very good point. When I am with some of my friends from home they are always saying how they wish that they could go out and run like I do. So I ask them to come for a run with me and the first words out of their mouths are "No, I can't run with you". Finally one day I just made one of my friends come with me and she actually did it. Now I don't hear her saying "I can't" as often which is nice and she was a lot more motivated after our run.


Les Mills