Powder Blue Productions

Wednesday, March 25, 2009




Since I got some feedback on people liking my explaining of the group exercise class zumba, I thought I would also show you Turbokick. This class is by far my favorite class to teach, it's a kickboxing class mixed with a little bit of hip hop and some attitude, and tai chi types of cool downs. There are moves that are taken from different types of martial arts along with the traditional kickboxing moves. If anyone has seen the infomercials for Turbojams on Tv Turbokick is what it is, TK is just the group exercise version. I personally have Turbojams at home and still practice it regularly but when it is done in a group it just takes it to the next level. Turbokick was developed by Chalene Johnson, she actually teaches Turbokick in her gym in california and I would absolutely LOVE to have the chance to go and take it with her.

The idea behind turbokick is for each class to feel like a dance party, it's supposed to be fun and energetic. I always tell my members that the first couple times you may not follow the moves at all, but it's ok. The great thing is that even if you don't get the moves right away, as long as you continue to move and jump around you will burn a TON of calories.

I always wear my heart rate monitor while teaching this class because I like to see how my heart rate fluxuates and also keep an eye on the amount of calories I burn during my activity. With Turbokick I usually average a total of 650-700 calories in the one hour class!!! Granted it may not be completely accurate but it's a good indication of the level that you're at.

Turbokick, like all group exercise classes is built around every level of fitness. In this particular program the instructor uses what we call layers, there is the basic moves and then special extra things can be added once the basics are learned. The extra things are always optional, such as adding turns on your jumps and such and there are always low impact options for those who have knee or any other sort of injuries. The low impact options are also great for if your heart rate is through the roof.

So, if this sounds like something you'd like to try look for it at your gym or even mention it to the group exercise director if it's not offered. I personally teach it wednesdays at 4:30 in Enfield, Connecticut so if anyone would like to hit me up let me know!! This class is a blast to take and teach!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lot of fun! I used to take kickboxing and loved it. Classes can help people push themselves and get the ultimate workout. I had never heard of Turbokick so thanks for bringing it to my attention and explaining what it is.


Les Mills