Powder Blue Productions

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Safe Weight Loss


After reading this article it made me think about my own weight loss. I started thinking about all the promises and guarantees that weight loss products offer to their consumers.
When i began losing weight the first week i lost about 5 lbs and then proceeded to lose about 2 lbs a week. 1-2 lbs a week is a healthy weight loss, usually the first week you'll see the most amount of change because the program is new and you've shocked your body. I've lost a total of about 50 lbs since December 27 2007 and I've managed to keep it off.
When you look at all the fad diets and the workout regimens that advertise rapid weight loss it makes me cringe. Especially the diet pills, with health and fitness there is no wonder drug, nothing is a quick fix, it's all about pacing yourself and taking each step. So when i see products advertising something along the lines of "you'll drop 10 lbs and 3 pant sizes in the first week guaranteed" it makes me worry. Yes, you may be able to drop that much weight by using the product, but, one should really consider all the consequences. For example, will the weight stay off? Do i really even need to lose that much weight? And most importantly will this allow me to lose the weight in a healthy way? Most likely not. One has to keep in mind that when starting a diet or an exercise program or even a lifestyle change they're shocking their body, in order to stay healthy and fit one needs to take care of their body. Results should be measured rather than weighed. Honestly when i started my journey my waist was 42 inches around and now I measure 30.5 inches around. As long as you see some sort of results don't worry about the number on the scale. Especially if you are incorporating weight training into your routine, which i believe everyone should do, because muscle weighs more than fat. My best result was the feeling of strength and energy that came with losing the weight.
So, for anyone who is contemplating using a product that has fantastical unrealistic results Think twice. You can lose weight naturally and in a healthy way. Take care of your body and it will take care of you.


  1. I thought this was a good blog because in today’s world everyone is obsessed with loosing weight and trying to loose it fast. It takes time and effort in order to loose weight. People need to be dedicated to loosing that weight in order to do so. I always see products like hydroxcut and lipo-6 advertising in magazines that make you loose weight quickly. Even though these supplements help you loose weight they cannot be healthy for you at all. I have a problem that makes a lot of being angry in which it is hard for me to gain weight. I always try different things and I never seem to gain any more than a few pounds.

  2. I agree that there are a lot of weight loss substances and programs that advertise a large amount of weightloss in a short period of time. This is definitly an unhealthy way to go about loosing weight. Some of these substances can really effect the way your metabolism works which will end up hurting you in the long run. Like you said it is unlikely to keep weight off if you lost it in an unhealthy way it will also teach you the wrong way to be healthy. Great Blog!


Les Mills